tax benefit: 50%
This is the traditional and scalable residential rights-based and child-centric care approach where the integrated per-child cost is 65000 INR per year. The child stays in safe residential care homes like the Rainbow Homes and Sneh Ghars, Residential Hostels or public/private care spaces. 360-degree care regarding shelter, food and nutrition, health, care and protection, education, societal entitlements, Futures for Young Adults, Extracurriculars, sports, life skills support and love of the family and the homes carers and ensure the overall development of the child/ren. One can support it monthly for 5417 INR too.
This is the traditional and scalable residential rights-based and child-centric care approach where the integrated per-child cost is 65000 INR per year. The child stays in safe residential care homes like the Rainbow Homes and Sneh Ghars, Residential Hostels or public/private care spaces. 360-degree care regarding shelter, food and nutrition, health, care and protection, education, societal entitlements, Futures for Young Adults, Extracurriculars, sports, life skills support and love of the family and the homes carers and ensure the overall development of the child/ren. One can support it monthly for 5417 INR too.